EG022 VAN VOGT, A.E. The Weapon Makers Digit (UK) G+ € 5
EG023 ALDISS, Brian W. Non-Stop Digit (UK) 1958? G- € 4
EG025 BULMER, Kenneth The Changeling Worlds Digit (UK) 1959? VG cool cover! €
EG049 CARR, Charles Colonists of Space Digit (UK) G+ alien landscape-c €
EG077 DICKSON, Gordon R. The Genetic General Digit (UK) 1960 G+ € 6
EG078 DE ROUEN, Reed Split Image Digit (UK) 1963 G+ € 6
EG079 ROBERTS, Colin Nuclear Subtraction Digit (UK) G nuclear bomb-c € 6
EG080 TUBB, E.C. The Space-Born Digit (UK) G+ spaceship-c € 6
EG081 BARR, Tyrone C. Split Worlds Digit (UK) 1962 G flying saucer-c € 6
EG082 GRANT, Matthew Hyper-Drive Digit (UK) 1962 G+ spaceships-c € 6
EG083 KORNBLUTH, C.M. & POHL, Frederik Search the Sky Digit (UK) G+ spaceship-c
€ 6
EN030 FREEMAN, Arthur Cleopatra: Queen of Kings Digit (UK) R496 1961 G+ Connell-c
€ 6
EU067 KUTTNER, Henry Fury Digit (UK) R413 G+ same c as Ace D-327 € 6
FE036 CARR, Charles Salamander War Digit (UK) R616 VG- space ships-c € 7