EG018 READE, Quinn Quest of the Dark Lady Belmont 1969 GD+ Jeff Jones-c €
EG029 BULMER, Kenneth Swords of the Barbarians Belmont 1970 GD+ Ken Barr-c €
EG034 BINDER, Eando Anton York, Immortal Belmont 1969 VG- € 6
EG043 VAN ARNAM, Dave Wizard of Storms Belmont 1970 GD+ Jeff Jones-c € 5
EG060 CARTER, Lin The Quest of Kadji Belmont 1971 VG- white Jeff Jones-c €
EG067 READE, Quinn Quest of the Dark Lady Belmont 1969 VG- Jeff Jones-c €
EG193 FOX, Gardner F. Kothar Barbarian Swordsman Belmont 1969 G- very scruffy
but complete copy € 3
EG251 ELLIOT, Bruce Asylum Earth Belmont 1968 VG- cool cover! € 7
EG331 JORGENSEN, Ivar Whom the Gods Would Slay Belmont 1968 G- Jeff Jones-c; stain
on cover;spine roll € 5
EG343 HOWARD, Ivan (ed.) Novelets of Science Fiction Belmont 1954? G+ 8 stories:
de Camp, Anderson, Simak, del Rey, Blish, Clarke € 7
EG351 GRANT, Maxwell Shadow Beware Belmont 1965 VG+ The Shadow € 8
EL164 SILVERBERG, Robert The Time Hoppers Belmont 1974 VG € 6
EN001 TRALINS, Bob The Miss from SIS:The Ring-A-Ding UFOs Belmont 1967 VG Miss
From S.I.S.; GGA-c; damaged corner € 6
EQ028 CONKLIN, Groff (ed.) Twisted Belmont L92-535 1962 VG- 15 stories: Bradbury,
Keller, Bierce, St.Clair, Poe, Lovecraft, Sturgeon a.o. € 7
FD134 AVALLONE, Mike Tales of the Frightened Belmont 1969 VG- 3rd print; Boris
Karloff on c € 7
FD135 CARTER, Lin The Quest of Kadji Belmont BT50297 1972 VG Jeff Jones-c €