EG107 FELSEN, Henry Gregor Hot Rod Bantam 1958 VG- Avanti-c racing cars!! €
EG109 STEVENSON, Robert Louis Treasure Island Bantam 142 1948 G+ Milton Wolsky-c
corners dinged € 8
EG119 MICHENER, James A. The Fires of Spring Bantam H2180 1961 VG- € 6
EG124 CARSE, Robert Great Circle Bantam A1820 1958 VG- scuff on cover € 5
EG187 ERNSTING, Walter The Day The Gods Died Bantam 1976 VG- some spine creases
€ 6
EG237 EHRLICH, Max The Big Eye Bantam A1860 1958 G 1" tear in front-c disembodies
eye-c € 5
EG253 SMALL, Sidney Herschel Sword and Candle Bantam 1243 1954 G+ € 7
EG277 HEMINGWAY, Ernest The Sun Also Rises Bantam 717 2nd print. G- scruffy copy
Ken Riley-c € 6
EG296 RAWLINGS, Marjorie Kinnan Gal Young Un Bantam A1209 1954 G+ Bantam Giant
€ 7
EG302 LAY, Beirne & BARTLETT, Sy Twelve O'Clock High Bantam 743 1950 G Hy
Rubin-c shows Gregory Peck € 8
EG303 HIBBS, Ben (ed.) Great Stories from the Saturday Evening Post 1947 Bantam
555 1948 VG- Stevan Dohanos-c; some soiling on upper spine € 7
EG315 FORESTER, C.S. Flying Colours Bantam 772 1950 G- slightly scruffy copy;
tape on spine removed € 5
EG340 BLEILER, Everett F. & DIKTY, T.E. (eds.) Frontiers in Space Bantam 1328
1955 VG 14 stories:Bradbury, Bester, Van Vogt, Wyndham, Leiber, Porges, Knight
€ 7
EG341 TUCKER, Wilson Time: X Bantam 1400 1955 G- spine reglued; 10 stories €
EL005 DRESSLER, David Parole Chief Bantam 1092 1952 G rough edges; cool cover!
€ 6
EL031 STEINBECK, John Cannery Row Bantam 75 1947? VG- second printing € 8
EL044 THORNE, Anthony Cabbage Holiday Bantam 452 1948 VG- Milton Stohl-c €
EL046 LORD, Walter A Night to Remember Bantam 1539 1956 G story of the Titanic;
store stamp on cover € 5
EL060 BROMFIELD, Louis What Became of Anna Bolton Bantam 462 1948 VG William Shoyer-c
€ 7
EL065 BENSON, Ben The Girl in the Cage Bantam 1359 1955 G Ralph Lindsay; reglued
spine € 5
EL095 BRADBURY, Ray The Golden Apples of the Sun Bantam G+ € 5
EL096 BRADBURY, Ray The Illustrated Man Bantam 1979 VG- € 6
EL097 BRADBURY, Ray The Martian Chronicles Bantam 1982 VG € 4
EL181 WRIGHT, Lee & SHEEHAN, Richard G. (eds.) These Will Chill You Bantam
1967 G rough copy; 12 stories: Poe, Rice, Nolan, Sturgeon, Faust € 5
EL190 BOYD, James Long Hunt Bantam 836 1950 G+ € 7
EL197 HENRY, Will The Raiders [Death of a Legend] Bantam A1481 1956 G+ €
EL208 MICHENER, James A. Sayonara Bantam A1318 1955 G rough copy € 4
EL210 O'DELL, Scott Hill of the Hawk Bantam A1138 1953 G+ R. Skemp-c € 6
EL221 FORESTER, C.S. Captain Horatio Hornblower Bantam A912 1950 VG MTI; Hy Rubin-c
shows Gregory Peck € 8
EL224 HEDDEN, Worth Tuttle The Other Room Bantam A1192 1953 G+ interracial relationship
€ 6
EL228 KANTOR, MacKinlay Arouse and Beware Bantam 900 1951 G- Civil War; cover
title damaged € 4
EL229 KANTOR, MacKinlay Midnight Lace Bantam 753 1950 G+ Ben Stahl-c; rough spine
€ 5
EL235 MAHLER, Helen A. Empress of Byzantium Bantam A1157 1953 VG+ Harry Schaare-c
€ 7
EL242 EXUPERY, Antoine de Saint Wind, Sand and Stars Bantam 14 1946 VG Cal Stehl-c;
John Cosgrave-illos. € 7
EL243 DAWSON, Peter Trail Boss Bantam 36 1946 VG- ex-libris pasted in € 6
EL244 PRATT, Theodore Miss Dilly Says No Bantam 416 1949 G+ Casey Jones-c €
EL246 BOWEN, Croswell They Went Wrong Bantam A1375 1955 G- very rough copy €
EL250 COSTAIN, Thomas B. The Moneyman Bantam F1186 1953 G+ rough € 4
EN007 HUXLEY, Aldous Ape and Essence Bantam A1793 G+ slight spine roll €
EN024 BLUNDEN, Godfrey A Room on the Route Bantam 947 1951 G+ stunning cover!
€ 7
EN025 MAUGHAM, W. Somerset Catalina Bantam 852 1951 G- some loose pages €
EQ009 COLLINS, Mary The Fog Comes Bantam 23 1946 G+ strained spine € 6
EQ015 MILLER, Arthur Death of a Salesman Bantam 952 1951 VG illustrated by Joseph
Hirsch € 7
EQ024 BRADBURY, Ray The Illustrated Man Bantam 991 1952 G- ex-libris torn out;
otherwise G+ € 4
EQ039 SOHL, Jerry Costigan's Needle Bantam 1278 1954 VG rocket-c € 7
EQ046 SALTER, James The Hunters Bantam A1700 1958 VG- jet fighters-c € 6
EU028 CRANE, Frances The Amethyst Spectacles Bantam 49 1946 G+ discolored spine
€ 8
EU066 KORNBLUTH, C.M. The Syndic Bantam 1317 1955 VG € 7
EU085 HUXLEY, Aldous Antic Hay Bantam 1142 1953 VG Bingham-c € 8
EU086 DOYLE, William Man Alone Bantam 1247 1954 VG+ male nudity-c € 8
EU087 SHORT, Luke Sunset Graze Bantam 1531 1956 G- 3rd print; rough copy €
FA004 BLISH, James Star Trek Bantam F3459 VG 5th print € 8
FC033 SMITH, H. Allen The Age of the Tail Bantam 1541 1956 F- Leo Hershfield-illos.
€ 7
FC034 STEINER, Paul Women & Children First Bantam A1358 1955 VG- Robert Osborn-illos.
€ 6
FD012 STEINBECK, John Cannery Row Bantam 75 1950 VG- 8th print; Stohl-c €
FD029 HAHN, Emily With Naked Foot Bantam 858 1950 G+ black beauty-c € 8
FD070 HUXLEY, Aldous Eyeless In Gaza Bantam F1233 1954 VG+ Barye Phillips-c €
FD099 TUCKER, Lael Lament For Four Virgins Bantam A1136 1953 VG € 7
FD136 O'HARA, John The Great Short Stories of John O'Hara Bantam A1484 1956 VG-
Barye Phillips-c € 7
FD145 SEABROOK, William Asylum Bantam 106 1947 G+ Andres-c; some small lam peel
€ 8
FE019 MARSHAK & CULBREATH Star Trek: The Price of the Phoenix Bantam 1993
VF unread copy € 5
FE047 HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey Rogue Male [Man Hunt] Bantam 9 1946 G+ 2nd print; Cirlin-c;
some damage to spine € 8
FF024 SHORT, Luke And The Wind Blows Free Bantam 748 1950 F+ great cowboy vs indian
cover! € 7
FF027 SHORT, Luke Vengeance Valley Bantam 911 1951 VG Earl Mayan-c € 7