EG021 BURNETT (ed.), Whit & Hallie Things With Claws Ballantine 1961 GD 10
horror stories € 5
EG032 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice The Gods of Mars Ballantine 1969 GD+ Bobb Abbett-c
€ 5
EG075 PFEIL, Donald J. Through the Reality Warp Ballantine 1976 VG Boris Vallejo-c
€ 8
EG088 LOVECRAFT, H.P. Fungi From Yuggoth & Other Poems Ballantine 1971 G+
Gallardo-c Utpatel-illos € 8
EG096 HARVEY, Frank Jet Ballantine G+ fighter jet-c € 6
EG239 MANNING, Laurence The Man Who Awoke Ballantine 1975 G- water damaged copy
cover still appealing with War of the Worlds-type tripod € 3
EG320 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice Tarzan and the Golden Lion Ballantine 1974 G Tarzan
#9; Robert Abbett-c € 7
EG324 KUWAHARA, Yasuo Kamikaze: A Japanese Pilot's Own Story of the Suicide Squadrons
Ballantine 1966 VG Schulz-c € 6
EG342 BIXBY, Jerome Space By the Tale Ballantine 1964 VG- 11 stories € 6
EL007 AMIS, Kingsley The Anti-Death League Ballantine 1967 VG+ nudity cover €
EL078 SHUTE, Nevil So Disdained Ballantine 1968 VG- € 6
EL084 CLARKE, Arthur C. Imperial Earth Ballantine 1976 VG- see-through covers
€ 4
EL085 CLARKE, Arthur C. Expedition to Earth Ballantine 1985 VG 11 stories, including
"The Sentinel" € 4
EL086 CLARKE, Arthur C. Childhood's End Ballantine 1964 VG € 6
EL161 SILVERBERG, Robert Needle in a Timestack Ballantine 1966 G Powers-c; 10
stories € 4
EL162 SILVERBERG, Robert Thorns Ballantine 1973 G+ Phil Kirland-c € 5
EL165 SILVERBERG, Robert Up the Line Ballantine 1973 VG- Phil Kirland-c €
EQ017 CANAWAY, W.H. A Boy Ten Feet Tall [Find the Boy] Ballantine U2234 1965 VG
MTI; great purple cover € 6
EQ027 WILSON, Richard Those Idiots From Earth Ballantine 237 1957 VG Powers-c;
10 stories € 7
EQ032 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice Thuvia, Maid of Mars Ballantine 01524 1969 VG Bob
Abbett-c € 6
EQ045 SHUTE, Nevil Slide Rule Ballantine U5006 1964 G+ biography € 6
EQ050 SCOTT, Robert L. Tiger in the Sky Ballantine 306 1959 G photo-c; damaged
lower corner € 6
EU088 BLAIR, Clay Jr. Beyond Courage Ballantine 134 G- reprint; Crair-c; rough
copy € 5
FD018 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice Tarzan Triumphant Ballantine 1975 F- Tarzan; Neal
Adams-c € 7
FD111 MAINE, Charles Eric The Tide Went Out Ballantine 290 1959 VG Richard Powers-c
€ 7
FD123 FARMER, Philip Jose The Green Odyssey Ballantine 210 1957 VG- Richard Powers-c
€ 8
FE005 DEL REY, Lester Nerves Ballantine 151 1956 G Powers-c; spine cracked €
FF004 SMITH, George O. The Fourth "R" Ballantine 316 1959 F+ Powers-c?
€ 6
FF017 POHL, Frederik (ed.) Star Short Novels Ballantine F730 1963 F 2nd print;
Theodore Sturgeon, Lester del Rey, € 6
FF020 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice The War Chief Ballantine U2045 1964 G+ 1st print;
small tear in corner of cover € 6