EG002 VAN VOGT, A.E. The Mind Cage Avon T-252 1957 GD+ € 5
EG003 KUTTNER, Henry Destination Infinity [Fury] Avon T-275 1956 VG- Groff Conklin
intro € 6
EG006 LOVECRAFT, H.P. Cry Horror! [The Lurking Fear] Avon T-284 VG+ € 8
EG036 ASIMOV, Isaac Second Foundation Avon GD+ € 5
EG044 ANDERSON, Poul Three Hearts and Three Lions Avon 1970 GD+ Jeff Jones-c?
€ 6
EG102 STUART, Florence Happiness Hill Avon F-166 1961 G+ € 5
EG120 CHIDSEY, Donald Barr Lord of the Isles Avon T-318 1954 VG € 5
EG151 CHEYNEY, Peter Counterspy Murders [Dark Duet] Avon 699 1943 G- stunning
cover! Water damage does not effect cover € 4
EG288 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Meets the Tiger Avon 477 1952 G excellent cover:
gun, knife, babe! € 8
EG339 WOLLHEIM, Donald A. & ERNSBERGER, George (eds.) The 2nd Avon Fantasy
Reader Avon 1969 VF- Gray Morrow-c; Howard, Bloch, Rohmer € 8
EL032 ADAMS, John Paul (ed.) Girls for Men Only Avon T-123 1956 G+ various great
GGA gags € 6
EL035 MEYERS, Harold (ed.) Honeymoon Guide Avon T-95 1955 VG spicy gags &
cartoons; Bill Ward among others € 8
EL189 20 Great Ghost Stories Avon 630 1941 G+ Frank J. Russell-illos.; some loose
pages € 6
EL192 CLAUSSEN, W. Edmunds Rebel's Roundup Avon 495 1952 G+ cool cover! €
EL193 COBURN, Walt Branded Avon 858 1959 VG- € 7
EL230 KOENIG, H.P. The Doctor's Woman Avon 657 1955 VG € 7
EL231 LACY, Ed Go For the Body Avon 566 1954 G interracial relationship; rough
spine € 6
EQ003 GALLICO, Paul Love of 7 Dolls Avon 760 1954? VG € 7
EQ022 VAN VOGT, A.E. Away and Beyond Avon 548 1952 G+ rocket-c € 7
EQ023 CONKLIN, Groff (ed.) Br-R-R-! Avon T-289 1959 VG- Bradbury, Sturgeon, Dahl,
Asimov a.o. € 8
EQ025 SOHL, Jerry The Time Dissolver Avon T-186 1957? G Powers-c; weird! €
EU009 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Steps In Avon T-610 VG- The Saint € 7
EU010 GALLICO, Paul Love of 7 Dolls Avon 760 1957 VG € 6
EU011 SOHL, Jerry The Time Dissolver Avon T-186 1958 VG- € 7
EU021 McINTOSH, J.T. Worlds Apart [Born Leader] Avon T-249 1958 VG little wear
to spine; Richard Powers-c € 7
EU029 SHIRAS, Wilmar H. Children of the Atom Avon T-221 1958 VG- Richard Powers-like
cover € 7
EU044 CHRISTOPHER, John Planet in Peril Avon T-371 1959 VG- some spine roll €
EU045 SIMAK, Clifford D. The Worlds of Clifford Simak Avon G-1096 1960 G+ Richard
Powers-c € 6
FC014 CHRISTIE, Agatha Death on the Nile Avon T-149 1956 VG Hercule Poirot €
FC018 FITZGIBBON, Constantine Officers' Plot to Kill Hitler Avon T-222 1958 VG+
€ 7
FD037 CHRISTIE, Agatha The Regatta Mystery Avon T-220a 1957 VG € 6
FD094 HOWARD, Leigh Chance Meeting [Blind Date] Avon T-404 1960 VG Movie tie-in;
photo-c € 7
FD108 HUXLEY, Aldous Point Counter Point Avon G-1020 1959? VG- € 8
FD131 MERRITT, A. Face In The Abyss Avon T-161 1957 VG- nice cover! € 7
FE010 CALDWELL, Erskine Midsummer Passion Avon 340 1948 VG- small lam peel €
FE039 anthology Avon Bedside Companion Avon 603 1954 VG Fabry-c; Caldwell, deMaupassant,
Zola, Balzac et al € 7
FE046 LEINSTER, Murray The Planet Explorer [Colonial Survey] Avon T-202 1957 VG
€ 7
FF001 LOCKRIDGE, Frances & Richard Death Takes A Bow Avon 131 1948 G+ great
cover! € 6
FF008 BLISH, James Vor Avon T-238 1958 VG+ Powers-like c € 6
FF012 various Various Temptations Avon T-109 1955 VG Norman Mailer, John Steinbeck,
Truman Capote, William Sansom, Herman Wouk, Robert Penn Warren € 6