EG112 MELVILLE, Herman Typee Airmont 1965 VG nice cover! € 7
EG129 VERNE, Jules Round the Moon Airmont 1969 VG- moon landscape-c € 6
EG130 VERNE, Jules Master of the World Airmont 1965 VG € 6
EG131 VERNE, Jules A Journey to the Center of the Earth Airmont 1965 VG- lavastream-c
€ 6
EG137 WELLS, H.G. The First Men in the Moon Airmont 1965 VG moon landscape-c €
EG293 WELLS, H.G. The Food of the Gods Airmont 1965 G somewhat yellowed pages
€ 7
EN033 DOYLE, Arthur Conan The Hound of the Baskervilles Airmont CL32 1965 G+ Sherlock
Holmes € 6
EN035 STEVENSON, Robert Louis Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Airmont CL42 1964 VG- great
transformation cover! € 7
FC035 GRIMM, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm's Fairy Tales Airmont CL168 1968 VF illustrated
€ 5
FD017 WELLS, H.G. The Invisible Man Airmont CL40 1964 F € 6
FE034 VERNE, Jules From The Earth To The Moon Airmont CL142 1967 VG+ classic sci-fi
story € 6