EG110 BROWN, Carter A Good Year for Dwarfs? Signet 1970 G+ exotic dancer-c €
EG125 CAIN, James M. The Postman Always Rings Twice Pocket 443 1947 VG €
EG146 CALDWELL, Erskine Love and Money Signet 1272 1956 G- ex-libris pasted in
€ 4
EG147 CALDWELL, Erskine Kneel to the Rising Sun and other stories Signet 869 1951
G+ Avati-c € 7
EG148 CALDWELL, Erskine Journeyman Signet 646 1949 G Jonas-c lam peel € 5
EG149 CALDWELL, Erskine Greta Pan (UK) 1959 G+ great cover!! € 7
EG150 BROWN, Fredric Madball Gold Medal (UK) 1962 G exotic dancer-c € 6
EG151 CHEYNEY, Peter Counterspy Murders [Dark Duet] Avon 699 1943 G- stunning
cover! Water damage does not effect cover € 4
EG152 CALDWELL, Erskine A Woman in the House Signet 705 1949 VG- peephole cover
woman undressing € 8
EG153 CALDWELL, Erskine This Very Earth Signet 838 1951 G+ Avati-c € 6
EG154 CALDWELL, Erskine A Swell-Looking Girl [American Earth] Signet 818 1950
G+ Avati-c € 7
EG155 CALDWELL, Erskine The Sure Hand of God Signet 732 1949 VG- Avati-c €
EG156 CALDWELL, Erskine The Sure Hand of God Signet 732 1949 G+ € 6
EG157 ERSKINE, John The Private Life of Helen of Troy Popular Library 147 1947
VG- nudity-c great cover!!! € 8
EG158 CHEYNEY, Peter You Can't Hit a Woman Pan (UK) 1953 G+ € 5
EG159 CUSHMAN, Dan Jewel of the Java Sea Gold Medal 142 1951 G exotic dancer-c
€ 7
EG160 DAVIS, Gordon Ring Around Rosy Gold Medal k1380 1961 G+ € 6
EG161 DEMING, Richard Hit and Run Pocket 1271 1960 G € 6
EG162 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Baited Hook Pocket 6067 1961 VG Perry
Mason € 6
EG163 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Borrowed Brunette Pocket 856 1955
G- Perry Mason dingy corner € 5
EG164 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll Pocket 1265 1960 G+
Perry Mason € 6
EG165 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Clue of the Forgotten Murder Pocket 438 1953 G+
Perry Mason wounded woman-c € 6
EG166 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Grinning Gorilla Pan (UK) 1962 G Perry
Mason € 6
EG167 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Velvet Claws Pocket 73 1953 G+ Perry
Mason € 6
EG168 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Velvet Claws Pocket 4516 1963 G Perry
Mason store price on back-c € 5
EG170 LOUGHLIN, David A Private Stair Signet 1172 1955 VG- € 7
EG172 NIXON, Henry Lewis The Golden Couch Ace S-190 1956 VG undressing-c €
EG173 YERBY, Frank Captain Rebel Cardinal C-249 1960 VG Binger-c € 7
EG174 KANE, Frank Due or Die Dell B174 1961 VG- Bennett-c € 6
EG175 WILLIAMS, Charles Gulf Coast Girl [Scorpion Reef] Dell D337 1960 G+ McGinnis-c
€ 7
EG176 SPILLANE, Mickey I, The Jury Signet 699 1953 G- tear in title page; undressing-c
€ 5
EG177 SPILLANE, Mickey The Big Kill Signet 915 1953 G- spotted cover € 4
EG178 ROHDE, William VIP [The Heel] Pyramid G283 1957 G Marchetti-c € 6
EG179 NORDHOFF, Charles & HALL, James Norman Pitcairn's Island Cardinal C-457
1958 G+ Erickson-c shows bathing and washing semi-nude girls € 7
EG261 AVALLONE, Mike The Voodoo Murders Gold Medal (UK) 338 1959 G Hooks exotic
dancer-c scruffy white cover copy € 5
EG263 WAUGH, Hillary The Eighth Mrs Bluebeard Crest 292 1959 G+ leggy-c €
EG269 CALDWELL, Erskine Episode In Palmetto Pan (UK) 1960 G great cover! Small
price sticker on front-c € 6
EG288 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Meets the Tiger Avon 477 1952 G excellent cover:
gun, knife, babe! € 8
EN001 TRALINS, Bob The Miss from SIS:The Ring-A-Ding UFOs Belmont 1967 VG Miss
From S.I.S.; GGA-c; damaged corner € 6
EN017 Four Fallen Women Dell 667 1953 G+ 4 stories: Kuprin, Crane, de Maupassant,
Huysmans € 7
EN018 YERBY, Frank The Devil's Laughter Cardinal C-142 1956 G Clark Hulings-c;
woman-beaten-c € 7
EN021 HAZEL, Robert The Farmer's Bride Signet 1231 1955 G- scruffy copy €
EU005 ERSKINE, John The Private Life of Helen of Troy Popular Library 147 1947
G+ Canadian ed. Excellent cover!! € 8
EU080 BARTOLINI, Elio La Signora Lion LB163 1957 VG+ Owen Kampen-c € 8
EU082 ADLON, Arthur Sex Peddler Chariot CB210 1960? VG+ 2nd print; near naked
woman on cover € 8
EU083 SHUBIN, Seymour Welville, U.S.A. Beacon B588 1961 VG+ boudoir-c € 7
EU084 FIELDS, Vin The Schemers Beacon B599 1963 VG+ office affair-c € 7
FA006 ALLEN, Roger August Heat Midwood F140 1962 G boudoir-c; spine discolored,
slight warping € 6
FA007 HYTES, Jason Over-Exposed Midwood F207 1962 G- very rough copy; voyeur-c
by Paul Rader € 7
FA008 HAMILTON, Greg Monica Midwood F314 1963 G- very rough copy; hooker-c €
FC023 DARIEN, Kim Obsession Ace D-526 1961 VG+ Elaine-c € 10
FE010 CALDWELL, Erskine Midsummer Passion Avon 340 1948 VG- small lam peel €
FE033 CONWAY, John This Dark Desire Monarch 148 1960 G Robert Maguire-c; rough
copy € 6
FE048 DIETRICH, Robert [Howard E. HUNT] One For The Road Pyramid 235 1957 VG €