EG288 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Meets the Tiger Avon 477 1952 G excellent cover:
gun, knife, babe! € 8
EU009 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Steps In Avon T-610 VG- The Saint € 7
EU012 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Happy Highwayman Pocket 272 1945 VG 3rd print; The
Saint € 8
FD003 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Avenging Saint [Knight Templar] Pan (UK) 103 VG- The
Saint; Pollack-c € 7
FD004 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Intervenes [Boodle] Pan (UK) 147 VG The Saint;
Pollack-c € 7
FD098 CHARTERIS, Leslie The Saint Closes the Case Pan (UK) G358 VG+ The Saint
€ 7
FF033 CHARTERIS, Leslie Enter The Saint Pan (UK) G615 1963 VG+ The Saint €