EG001 CARR, Robert Spencer Beyond Infinity Dell 781 1949 G Powers-cover €
EG005 McCANN, Edson Preferred Risk Dell R114 1962 VG- Powers wrap-cover €
EG020 CONKLIN (ed.), Geoff Possible Worlds of SF Berkley 1960 GD Powers-c Van
Vogt,Bradbury, Asimov,Simak,Anderson € 5
EL161 SILVERBERG, Robert Needle in a Timestack Ballantine 1966 G Powers-c; 10
stories € 4
EQ025 SOHL, Jerry The Time Dissolver Avon T-186 1957? G Powers-c; weird! €
EQ027 WILSON, Richard Those Idiots From Earth Ballantine 237 1957 VG Powers-c;
10 stories € 7
EU016 CARR, Robert Spencer Beyond Infinity Dell 781 1949 G+ Richard Powers-c €
EU021 McINTOSH, J.T. Worlds Apart [Born Leader] Avon T-249 1958 VG little wear
to spine; Richard Powers-c € 7
EU029 SHIRAS, Wilmar H. Children of the Atom Avon T-221 1958 VG- Richard Powers-like
cover € 7
EU045 SIMAK, Clifford D. The Worlds of Clifford Simak Avon G-1096 1960 G+ Richard
Powers-c € 6
EU065 SIMAK, Clifford D. City Perma 264 1953 VG Richard Powers-c € 8
FD006 CRANE, Stephen The Red Badge of Courage Dell Laurel 7284 1966 VG 7th print;
Richard Powers-c € 7
FD110 de CAMP, L. Sprague & PRATT, Fletcher The Incomplete Enchanter Pyramid
G530 1960 VG+ Richard Powers-c € 6
FD111 MAINE, Charles Eric The Tide Went Out Ballantine 290 1959 VG Richard Powers-c
€ 7
FD123 FARMER, Philip Jose The Green Odyssey Ballantine 210 1957 VG- Richard Powers-c
€ 8
FE005 DEL REY, Lester Nerves Ballantine 151 1956 G Powers-c; spine cracked €
FF004 SMITH, George O. The Fourth "R" Ballantine 316 1959 F+ Powers-c?
€ 6
FF008 BLISH, James Vor Avon T-238 1958 VG+ Powers-like c € 6
FF034 HAMILTON, Edmond The Star of Life Crest s329 1959 VG+ Powers-c € 7