EG255 GODDEN, Rumer The Greengage Summer Dell F119 1961 G Barye-c € 6
EG260 GALLICO, Paul The Lonely Signet S2264 1963 G Barye-c one rough cover €
EL038 GARDNER, Erle Stanley The Case of the Buried Clock Pocket 678 RC Perry Mason;
Barye Phillips-c; title page missing € 3
EL223 HARDY, Thomas Tess of the d'Urbervilles Cardinal C-47 1952 G+ Barye Phillips
€ 5
EL236 FLEMING, Ian The Spy Who Loved Me Signet P2733 VG James Bond; Barye Phillips-c
€ 7
EL239 SPILLANE, Mickey I, The Jury Signet 699 1958 VG Barye Phillips-c €
EN011 MOOREHEAD, Alan The White Nile Dell 9516 1964 G+ Barye Phillips-c €
EQ041 WILLIAMS, Tennessee The Fugitive Kind [Orpheus Descending] Signet S1745
1960 G+ Barye Phillips-c € 7
EQ048 BROWN, Harry A Walk in the Sun Signet S1467 1957 G Barye Phillips-c €
EU022 MASUR, Harold Q. Suddenly a Corpse Pocket 704 1950 VG- Barye Phillips-c
€ 8
FC029 SILLITOE, Alan Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Signet D1842 1960 VG+ 1st
print; Barye Philips-c € 7
FC036 PRATHER, Richard S. Find This Woman Gold Medal s1217 1962 G Shell Scott;
Barye Philips-c;rough € 5
FD070 HUXLEY, Aldous Eyeless In Gaza Bantam F1233 1954 VG+ Barye Phillips-c €
FD136 O'HARA, John The Great Short Stories of John O'Hara Bantam A1484 1956 VG-
Barye Phillips-c € 7
FF015 WARD, Mary Jane The Snake Pit Signet D1887 1960 VF 7th print; Barye-c €