EG093 LANGER, Susanne K. Philosophy In a New Key Mentor M25 1949 G Jonas-c €
EG094 HAMILTON, Edith The Greek Way to Western Civilization Mentor M32 1949 G-
Jonas-c € 5
EG142 JOYCE, James A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Signet 664 1949 G+
Jonas-c discoloration € 6
EG143 CAPOTE, Truman Other Voices Other Rooms Signet 700 1949 VG- Jonas-c see-through-c
€ 7
EG144 JAMES, Henry Daisy Miller Signet 625 1947 G+ Jonas-c € 7
EG148 CALDWELL, Erskine Journeyman Signet 646 1949 G Jonas-c lam peel € 5
EG259 CALDWELL, Erskine God's Little Acre Signet 581 1947 G- Jonas hole-in-fence-c
scruffy copy € 5
EG262 MORLEY, Christopher Thunder on the Left Signet 582 1946 G- first Penguin,
Jonas-c, very scruffy but complete € 4
EG299 LEVI, Carlo Christ Stopped at Eboli Signet 656 1948 G Jonas-c; slight spine
fade € 7
EL001 BYRNE, Donn Messer Marco Polo Signet 611 1946 G+ Jonas-c; some spine and
edge discoloration € 6
FA003 WOLFE, Thomas Short Stories Signet 644 1949 VG- Jonas-c; some spine lam
damage; 2nd print € 7
FD015 HURST, Fannie Back Street Penguin 589 1946 G+ Jonas-s; spine fade €
FF021 CARSON, Rachel L. Under the Sea Wind Mentor M128 1955 F- Jonas-c €